Team - North Dakota Shooting Sports Cowboy Lever Action Silhoutte Nationals July 4-7, 2017 Whittington Center, Raton, NM Brock Tokach - Mandan Ross Hillerson - Dickinson Dave Tokach - Mandan !st place team AA- Pistol Caliber Lever Action 2nd place team AAA - Smallbore Lever Action
2017 Cowboy Lever Action Silhoutte Nationals
National Rifle Association | NRA-ILA News-
Texas: Take Action and Support Expansion of Second Amendment Rights TODAY!
On Monday, the Senate State Affairs Committee will hear Senate Bill 706, universally recognizing all valid out of state concealed carry permits.
New Jersey: Assembly Judiciary Committee Advances Gun Bills
Despite being unprepared, Democrats running the Assembly Judiciary Committee advanced a package of gun bills Thursday.
Washington: Gun-Free Zone Bill Scheduled for a Hearing on Monday
On Monday, February 24th, the Senate Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 5098, a vast expansion to "gun free" zones in Washington.