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National Rifle Association | NRA-ILA News
New Mexico: Take Action Against Gun Control Bills Today!
The New Mexico legislature is considering two significant bills that pose substantial threats to our Second Amendment rights: Senate Bill 279 and Senate Bill 318, which are expected to be heard before the Senate Judiciary committee in the coming days.
New Hampshire: House Defeats Two Major Anti-Gun Bills
Today, February 20th, the New Hampshire House of Representatives held votes on two extreme anti-gun bills that would have disarmed law abiding Granite Staters.
Wyoming: Gun-Free Zone Repeal Bill Set for Final Vote in Senate
Today, February 20th, House Bill 172, the "Wyoming Repeal Gun Free Zones Act," passed its second reading in the Senate with no new amendments.
South Dakota: Vehicle Storage Bill Passes House
Yesterday, February 19th, the House passed House Bill 1222 by a vote of 64-5. HB 1222 allows for firearms to be stored in vehicles on school grounds by permit holders.
South Carolina: Hunting Heritage Protection Act Headed to Full Committee
This week, the House Subcommittee on Fish, Game, and Forestry unanimously passed H.3872, the Hunting Heritage Protection Act.