Indoor 1800 Bullseye Match 2

Indoor 1800 Bullseye Match 2
Sunday December 20, 2020
Red River Regional Marksmanship Center - West Fargo, North Dakota
Precision Pistol


Red River Regional Marksmanship Center

Indoor 1800 Bullseye Matches

640 16th St NE

West Fargo ND 58078

Date: Sunday December 13th and Sunday December 20th

These matches WILL NOT be Approved matches

For information or to register, please contact Rob Sailer at or 701-541-6427

Directions to range:

I-29 North to Main Ave, Main Ave West to 45th St, 45th St North to 7th Ave,  7th Ave East to 640 16th St NE, West Fargo ND

Rules: Current NRA rules Govern.  Challenge fee is $2.00. Eye and Ear protection is required to participate.  Competition is open to anyone

Targets: Slow fire will be fired on the NRA B2 Target.  For Center fire and 45, the course will be modified by shooting 5 shots of slow fire per target in 5 minutes. Timed and Rapid fire will be fired on the NRA B3 target. Scoring will be done by competitors after Matches 4, 9, and 14

Course of fire:

Match 1: 20 Shots – 22 SF

Match 5: 20 Shots –CF SF

Match 9: 20 Shots – 45 SF

Match 2: 20 Shots – 22 TF

Match 6: 20 Shots – CF TF

Match 10: 20 Shots – 45 TF

Match 3: 20 Shots – 22 RF

Match 7: 20 Shots – CF RF

Match 11: 20 Shots – 45 RF

Match 4: 22 Agg of matches 1-3

Match 8: CF Agg of matches 5-7

Match 12: 45 Agg of matches 9-11

Entry Fee: One Gun $25 Two or more guns $30.  Entries close Wednesday before the match. Late Entries will be accepted up to range capacity (15 firing points).

Match registration and check in is from 11AM - 12 PM.  Rimfire/relay 1 starts at noon, CF/relay 2 starts 1:15, 45/Relay 3 starts at 2:30

General Info and gun definitions

Rimfire – Any 22 caliber rimfire pistol or revolver

Center fire – Any centerfire pistol or revolver .32 caliber or larger

45 - Any 45 caliber pistol or revolver.

The Red River Regional Marksmanship Center is a 50 foot indoor public range with target returners.  Turning targets MAY be used if they are operational (It’s a public range… things get shot up). If turners are not operational, range commands will be used to begin and cease fire.

Contact information

Rob Sailer


Red River Regional Marksmanship Center
640 16th St NE
West Fargo
North Dakota
United States